
5 Must Have Components for Successful Yellow Page Advertising

As a business owner with a display ad in the yellow pages, you have only a second or two to grab the attention of your potential customer. Make sure your ad does its job by including these five crucial components.1. Compelling headline. Most readers never get past the headline. If the headline is not sufficiently compelling, your potential customer will be on to the next ad faster than you can say snooze fest. Remember, the job of the headline is to get your reader to read the rest of the ad. That's it. That doesn't mean you can lie, but you do want to put most of your effort into this single most important part of your ad.2. Benefits and more benefits. Great, you got your potential client to read the ad! Now, what's in it for her? Most businesses make the mistake of spewing all Iphone 4s Battery kinds of facts about them. How many years they've Iphone 4s Cases been in business, how many attorneys they have on staff, how many awards they've won, the list goes on. Don't do this.If you want to make your advertising dollars really work for you, use them to tell your customer about her needs, and how your company will satisfy them. Think of it as a first date and talk about her, not you.3. Great offer. Now that she knows how you can help solve her problems, your potential client is looking for an offer. What are you going to give her to entice her to become a customer? Things like free lessons, seminars, and reports are always popular, but be careful. Print advertising can last a long time, so make sure your offer isn't limited to x number of copies.4. Complete contact information. Every customer is different. Some want to research their options without talking to a single sales person. Some want to leave all their concerns at your feet and let you handle it. Some want to do business in person, some prefer the phone.By including all the ways she can reach you--web address, phone number, email, and physical location--you ensure that no matter the form of contact she prefers, she can find it. Don't send a potential new client to your competition's ad just because you didn't think to include your email address.5. Call to action. What do you want your reader to do next? Don't leave it to chance or make the mistake of thinking she'll figure it out. You have to tell her what to do. "Call us to make an appointment today. Stop in our showroom and see the latest frost free models on display. Visit our website for more information." Make sure you spell out exactly what her next step should be.

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